Alternative Asset Consulting

Articles on alternative investing and markets by Barclay Leib
- Winter 2015, Insitutional Investor's Alpha Magazine: "Big Data, Big Future"
- Sring 2013, Fortigent LLC: "Risk Parity Rebuffed"
- Sring 2013, Fortigent LLC: "Managed Futures: Cyclical Trough or Structural Impairment? Analysis & Proposed Solutions"
- March 2002, Plan Sponsor Magazine: "The Quintessential Blend"
May 2000, Derivatives Strategy magazine, "The Return of Jump Modeling"
- July 2000, Derivatives Strategy magazine, "Eating Internet Volatility for Breakfast"
- October 2000, Derivatives Strategy magazine, "The World According To Ray Dalio"
- July 2000, Derivatives Strategy magazine, "Eating Internet Volatility for Breakfast"
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Sand Spring Advisors provides information and analysis from sources and using methods it believes reliable, but cannot accept responsibility for any trading losses that may be incurred as a result of our analysis. Our advice should be deemed our personal opinion and not a recommendation to invest or trade in any given product. Individuals should consult with their broker and personal financial advisors before engaging in any trading activities, and should always trade at a position size level well within their financial condition.
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