Sand Spring Subscriber-Only Articles
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Sand Spring Advisors provides information and analysis from sources and using methods it believes reliable, but cannot accept responsibility for any trading losses that may be incurred as a result of our analysis. Our advice should be deemed our personal opinion and not a recommendation to invest. Individuals should consult with their broker and personal financial advisors before engaging in any trading activities, and should always trade at a position size level well within their financial condition. Principals of Sand Spring Advisors may carry positions in securities or futures discussed, but if such is the case, we will generally endeavor not to trade such positions on or near commentary release.
December 5, 2010: All Hail Rigged Markets & A Look Back at the 1862-1878 Period...PDF Format
...A historical analog that expressed our general frustration with the world of Fed-induced QE, and a possible historical analog to play out over coming years.
Sandspring.com stopped publishing in 2011.
March 6, 2009: 666: Time to Buy!
...A precient moment of bullishness for Sand Spring on the exact 2009 low in the S&P 500.
June 29, 2008: The Feel of 1907, or Not?...PDF Format
...A look back at the Panic of 1907 and some of its similarities to the current year.
May 4, 2008: Gallery of Missing Lows...PDF Format
...A variety of specific chart patterns that appear bearish to our fractal eye.
February 3, 2008: Hedge Fund malaise & Fibonacci Primer...PDF Format
...A detailed explanation of our Fibonacci band techniques, together with a discussion of current opportunities such techniques would suggest in financial markets.
April 8, 2007: Starting to Shake...PDF Format
...Undertanding that the February 2007 cycle turn likely related to sub-prime mortgage debt market.
Feb 23, 2007: Marty's Date...PDF Format
...An insider's look at the story of Martin Armstrong and his Princeton Economic Institute pi cycle theory.
January 13, 2005: Academia Slowly Catching Up to Fractal Reality -- Dec. 30-31, 2004 Cycle Date Hits; 2005-2007 Forecast
...When equity prices reversed almost on a dime at year-end 2004, what does this portend for 2005-2007?
July 8, 2002: Biotech Bottom?
...Within this article we anticipated a tradeable rally developing in the Biotech sector between July and November 2002. Several security-specific chart patterns are examined. A second update to this piece, published in mid-July, further elaborated on the broader market indices. We eventually got our bounce in these broader indices post July 23rd, but the Biotechs were quite honestly a disappointment.
December 16, 2001: 2002 - A Golden Year?
...In this article, we explore the cyclical rhythm of the gold and gold equity market, and what it portends for next year. Several stock-specific charts and fundamentals are examined.
October 23, 2001: The Cycle of War & The Agony of Debt
...In this article, across 12 chart-filled pages, we explore how relative geo-political calm can suddenly digress to a temper-filled period of war, as well as current fundamental pressures on the U.S. economy from excessive corporate and household debt burdens.
June 1, 2001: GE Equals 1936-1937 Dow Jones
...A cogent analysis of the 2001 topping pattern in General Electric
February 25, 2001: Measuring Financial Time with Pi.
...Sand Spring's original cyclical pi cycle map extending to the year 2032
Jan 21, 2001: Portfolio from Hell
...A close critique of a major mutual fund manager and a technical look at the individual equity components of their go-go portfolio.
June 13, 2000: When Insiders Rule
...Fun and games in the dot.com bubble
March 7, 2000: A Certain Fixation
...When silliness abounded in the NASDAQ
Feb 29, 2000: In Anticipation of a Nasdaq Crash
...Precient call for immenent NASDAQ top
January 14, 2000: Three Peaks & a Domed House Revisited
...2000 top in the Dow Jones Industrials pinpointed to the day
December 1999: A 13th Century Mathematician & the Current Rhythm of the DJIA: Where To Look for a Top
...Using Fibonacci fractals to anticipate when DJIA would top (subsequently very close to correct).
June 1999: The Man Behind the Curtain and the New Keiretsu: A Closer Look at the Internet Equity Frenzy
...A close look at some of the private equity deals of Kleiner Perkins in 1999.
February 1999: Anecdotal Signs in Our Paper Currency
...Early signs of a gold bottom as the look and feel of our currency changed in 2000.
December 1999: 20-Years of Technical Analysis: How Much Has the World Really Changed?
...An overview and retrospective as Sandspring.com subscription services commenced.
November 1999: Wall Street's Two-Sided Brain, Prudentbear.com
...A report on a bunch of contrarian thinkers meeting in Vermont during the height of the dot.com bubble.
Please call 973-525-9257 or contact us at BarclayTLeib@sandspringllc.com should you wish access to our full archive of articles and postings between 1999-2011.