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Most people have heard the old saying, "If history doesn't repeat itself, it certainly has a tendency to rhyme." Along this vein, do chart patterns repeat themselves? Here is what we had to say about the GE chart pattern in late May in comparison to a 1936-37 chart of the Dow Jones.
Any physicist will explain that AC-DC current would not function properly without a constant geophysical cycle. But could there be some similar cycle behind the scenes in long-term financial market behavior? And if so, might it be related to the mathematical number pi first discovered by Greek-thinker Archimedes? Read this long-term cycle analysis:
Every financial bubble in history has had its excess primarily defined in one sector. In this article we examine where it is this time around.
A look at the cyclcical rhythms of the U.S. equity market into the fall of 2000, together with one specific stock: Cisco Sytsems.
A look at recent manipulations of equities involving insider option trading, and a current large-cap high tech stock where the insiders are currently voting with their feet.
This analysis takes a longer-term psychological look at why people believe so much
in the current equity mania, touching on a few specific examples...
Spotting a bubble in real-time and anticipating a future roadmap for its collapse...
This analysis, updated from the work of George Lindsay in the 1960's,
correctly anticipated the recent structure of the DJIA 15% decline...
Here is a longer term look at the S&P that was previously featured
as a Chart du Jour...
Why is the market having such problems in early 2000?
Could it be related to the cycle shift described here in late December 1999?
We overshot the extrapolated high for a few days, but look where we are now...
Y2K ended up as a non-event, but two sets of new crude highs (as prognosticated) have indeed transpired:
Compare where Euro/Yen is today and where it was then:
Ever looked closely at Kleiner Perkins and some of the deals their companies do?
This is important for 2000 since a "gold colored" U.S. dollar coin coming by the 2nd Quarter:
An overview and retrospective:
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